Symposia Submission
Important information
- Deadline for symposia submission: 15th November 2024
- All symposia must be submitted and presented in English.
- Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
- Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
- Submission of the symposium constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. conference website, abstract book, social media, programs, other promotion, etc.) as outlined in the IEPA15 author declaration and publication permission terms.
- There are no restrictions on the number of symposia submitted.
- All symposia must be submitted through this symposia submission portal.
- All communications will be sent to the email address used to submit the symposium. Your symposium is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation email after clicking the final submit button. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam mailbox or contact us at
- All speakers with accepted symposia are required to register and pay for the meeting by 7th March 2025 in order to have your symposium included in the final program and listed in the Early Intervention in Psychiatry Wiley Online Abstract Book.
Submission Instructions
Symposia submissions should deal with early intervention research topics in mental health.
- Symposia sessions are a 90 minute, chaired symposium with 4 presentations of 15 minutes, each with a 5 minute discussion.
- To enhance the diversity and origins of themes and authors, IEPA would like to encourage the submission of abstracts that include researchers and themes that include or consider under-represented racial, geographical and disability groups. You will be asked to outline in 250 words or less you efforts to address this:
- Symposia SHOULD include at least one presenter from the global south
- Symposia SHOULD include at least one presenter who identifies as a lived experience researcher
- Although not mandatory, symposia which fulfil one or both criteria will be looked on favourably during the abstract evaluation
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- All submissions must be written in English and in final form and ready for publication in the Early Intervention in Psychiatry Wiley Online Abstract Book.
- Your submission will NOT be reviewed for typos or other errors.
- Check your work carefully as no changes will be allowed after the submission deadline.
- When submitting a session (=symposium), please include the following information:
- Overall Title (of the session)
- Symposia summary abstracts must not exceed 250 words (approximately 2000 characters).
- Name of Chair (Main chair, Co-chairs are optional)
- Names of all presenters (at least 1 presenter per individual presentation)
- Titles of individual presentations (must include 4 individual presentations per symposium)
- Abstracts for individual presentations (250 words) that are included in the session
- Figures and graphics will not be accepted.
- All characters < and > must be enclosed by blanks e.g. p < 0.005 not p<0.005
- Abstracts must be new and must not have been previously presented.
- Titles can not be longer than 30 words.
- Please ensure that your title is inputted in title case. For e.g., ‘Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health’ and not ‘Prevention and early intervention for mental health’.
- Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters. If you are unsure, please use this tool for title casing.
Abstract Review Process
- Proposals will be evaluated by the IEPA15 Scientific Committee using a variety of criteria including scientific merit, timeliness, theoretical innovation and breadth, methodological innovation, lack of overlap with the regular program, and diversity of the speakers.
Author information
- Please provide complete and accurate information on all contributing authors.
This includes the full name and email address (institution/organisation and location preferred but not mandatory) of every (co-)author. - The first author will be listed in the published program as the speaker.
- Middle name or initials should be entered in the First Name field.
- Do not enter names in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- The listing of multiple affiliations/institutions for a single author is not possible. Please choose the current main affiliation/institutions. (in case of more than one affiliation/institution please contact the registration office)
- The person making the submission is wholly responsible for the accuracy of the information. The information will be published (online program) as submitted.
- Please use your university address, not your personal one.
Presenting Authors
- Every submission must name at least one presenting author.
- The symposium organiser is listed as the chair of the symposium; additional co-chair and/or discussant is considered optional. All speakers are required to register register for the conference upon abstract acceptance at the latest by close of early bird registration 7th March 2025 in order to have the symposium listed in the printed program.