*Please note: This is a draft program outline and subject to change
Pre Conference 9th July
iFEVR-iphYs Satellite Meeting
(International first episode recovery group)*
*Additional cost applies
iFEVR-iphYs Satellite Meeting
(International physical health in youth stream)*
*Additional cost applies
Intervención Temprana en Riesgo de Psicosis: Habilidades Terapéuticas para América Latina
(in Spanish)
*Additional cost applies
10th July | |
Plenary Session I Philippe Conus & Jacques Dubochet Climate change: An important target for early intervention in mental health | |
Plenary Session II Early Intervention for Eating Disorders
| |
Parallel Sessions Panel Discussion: Lived Experience | |
Parallel Sessions | |
Plenary Session III Jai Shah What should be the structure and function of multi-level transdiagnostic early intervention services? Translating lessons from the psychosis at-risk state to youth mental health | |
Parallel Sessions | |
Welcome Reception |
11th July | |
Plenary Session IV Sir Michael Marmot Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities | |
Plenary Session V Lived experience expertise in early intervention research: looking back and forwards to pioneer models of involvement in a changing world | |
Parallel Sessions Panel Discussion: Early Intervention in Low and Middle Income Countries | |
Parallel Sessions | |
Plenary Session VI David Mohr Making digital mental health work in the real world | |
Plenary Session VII Valeria Mondelli Targeting inflammation: a way forward for adolescent depression and early intervention? | |
Parallel Sessions |
12th July | |
Plenary Session VIII Padmavati Ramachandran Catch them early - SCARF Youth Mental Health Program | |
Plenary Session IX Barnaby Nelson The prediction and treatment of early stage psychosis: Sharpening the tools, broadening the target, and innovating the interventions | |
Parallel Sessions Plenary Session X Stephani Hatch Why utilising anti-racist practice and tackling discrimination are crucial for addressing inequities in mental health and mental health services | |
Parallel Sessions | |
Plenary Session XI Patrick McGorry The next stage for early intervention: Transdiagnostic, personalised, universal | |
Parallel Sessions |
Post Conference 13th July
IEPAf Réunion IEPA francophone
(in French)
*Additional cost applies
IEPAf Réunion IEPA francophone
(in French)
2:15pm - 5:30pm
*Additional cost applies
CAARMS 2023 Workshop
Introducing the CAARMS 2023: Comprehensive assessment of at-risk mental states
*Additional cost applies
Pre and Post Conference Events (OPEN for Registration)
iFEVR-iphYs Satellite Symposium
Sunday 9th July, 10:00-6:00PM
Organised by Scott Teasdale, Jackie Curtis and David Shiers (iphYs), Lena Heitmann (iFEVR Co-Chair) and Kine Voll Joakimsen, (iFEVR Co-Chair)
Cost: $50USD, Includes Lunch, Tea and Coffee
This is a full day event. The first half will be dedicated to iFEVR and the second half to iphYs
The international physical health in youth (iphYs) stream is an international working group consisting of clinicians, service users, family members, and researchers that aims to improve the physical health of young people experiencing psychosis. The iphYs collaboration began in 2010 at the IEPA conference in Amsterdam and continues to run alongside the IEPA conference. The iphYs group developed the international consensus statement called Healthy Active Lives (HeAL) aims to reverse the trend of people with severe mental illness dying early by tackling risks for future physical illnesses pro-actively and much earlier. The 2023 iphYs meeting will include keynote and rapid-fire presentations to showcase recent developments from around the world on improving the physical health of young people with severe mental illness and provide a platform to develop new networks and collaborations. A key theme will be 10-years on from the development of the HeAL Consensus Statement, were the targets met, and what does the future hold.
The International First Episode Vocational Recovery (iFEVR) Group is a group of researchers, clinicians, carers, people with lived experience, economists and others with an interest in promoting vocational recovery for young people experiencing mental illness. The group was formed in 2008 and developed the Meaningful Lives consensus statement. The purpose of the group is to provide a forum for the exchange and development of ideas and interventions to achieve this aim. The group is also interested in advocacy on behalf of promoting and achieving vocational recovery for young people with mental ill-health.
Find out more about iphYs & iFEVR:
- iphYsWebsite: www.iphys.org.au
- Facebook: Keeping the Body in Mind YMH
- Twitter: @iphYs_YMH
- IEPA Website iFEVR: https://iepa.org.au/ifevr-group/
- IEPA Website iphYs: https://iepa.org.au/iphys/
Intervención Temprana en Riesgo de Psicosis: Habilidades Terapéuticas para América Latina (Spanish Event)
Sunday 9th July, 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Attend in Person: $30USD
Attend Online Cost: Free
Aproximadamente el 80% de la carga de trastornos psicóticos se encuentra en países de ingresos bajos y medios (LMIC). La insuficiencia de recursos, el estigma y la falta de políticas públicas de salud mental en estos países son algunos de los problemas que deben enfrentar estos pacientes. La prevención e intervención temprana en salud mental son desafíos actuales en Centro y Sudamérica. Además, en esta región se están adoptando progresivamente los servicios de atención temprana. El objetivo del curso es que los participantes tengan un acercamiento a las intervenciones e investigaciones que se realizan en las primeras etapas de la Psicosis, con énfasis en América Latina, y brindar herramientas de intervención en estado de Alto Riesgo Clínico para la psicosis (CHR-P).
La primera parte del curso abordará cómo algunos investigadores de Brasil, Chile y España han logrado avances en la investigación clínica en CHR-P y qué desafíos enfrentan. En la parte final, se hablará sobre cómo la terapia cognitivo conductual, el mindfulness y las nuevas tecnologías podrían implementarse en América Central y del Sur como intervenciones tempranas. Esta es una instancia única para reunir a diferentes profesionales de países LMIC y promover el trabajo en la detección e intervención temprana de Psicosis.
Este curso se realizará en español con excepción de una conferencia que se realizará en Inglés con apoyo en español.
Early Intervention in Risk of Psychosis: Therapeutic skills for Latin America (Spanish Event)
Sunday 9th July, 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Attend in Person: $30USD
Attend Online Cost: Free
Approximately 80% of the burden of psychotic disorders is found in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Insufficient resources, stigma, and the lack of mental health public policies in these countries are some of the problems that these patients must face. Prevention and early intervention in mental health are current challenges in Central and South America. In addition, in this region, early care services are being progressively adopted. The aim of the course is that the participants have an approach to the interventions and research that is carried out in the early stages of Psychosis, with an emphasis on Latin America, and to provide intervention tools in Clinical High-Risk state for psychosis (CHR-P).
The first part of the course will address how some researchers from Brazil, Chile, and Spain have made advances in clinical research in CHR-P and what they face challenges. In the final part other researchers will speak about how cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and new technologies could be implemented in Central and South America as early interventions. This is a unique instance to bring together different professionals from LMIC countries and promote work in the detection and early intervention of Psychosis.
This course will be held in Spanish with the exception of a lecture that will be held in English with support in Spanish.
Introducing the CAARMS 2023: Comprehensive assessment of at-risk mental states
Cost: $30USD
The Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States (CAARMS) is a semi-structured assessment tool used by mental health professionals and researchers to identify help-seeking young people who are at ultra-high risk (UHR) of developing psychosis. The CAARMS can also be used to track a range of psychopathology over time and to identify the onset of first episode psychosis. A new version of the CAARMS, the CAARMS 2023 has been developed and will be launched at this workshop. The new version includes new scales, anchors, and prompts to assist with assessment of the full range of positive psychotic symptoms.
This half-day workshop is aimed at mental health professionals identifying and working with UHR young people. At the end of the workshop you will be able to:
- Describe the concepts of At-Risk Mental State (ARMS) and Ultra High Risk (UHR), and their theoretical background and underpinnings.
- Outline the latest evidence relating to UHR and the CAARMS instrument.
- Use the latest version of the CAARMS tool, the CAARMS 2023.
Dr Shona Francey, BSc (HONS), M.Psych, PhD is a clinical psychologist currently working as the Associate Director of the Australian Early Psychosis Program at Orygen, in Melbourne, Australia. Shona has more than 30 years’ experience in public mental health as a clinician, manager and researcher and has worked in the field of early intervention for psychosis since EPPIC was first established in 1992. Shona helped to establish the PACE Clinic, the first detection and treatment program for UHR young people. She completed her PhD examining neurocognitive indicators of risk for psychosis in the UHR population. Within EPPIC and the wider Orygen specialist clinical program she has held roles as case manager, group program leader, service lead psychologist and clinical stream leader of both EPPIC and the PACE Clinic. Shona has considerable research experience including clinical research trials investigating the effectiveness of treatments for early psychosis.
IEPAf, Réunion IEPA francophone
Thursday 13th July, 10:00am - 13:30pm
Cost: $50USD, includes lunch & tea/coffee