Description of a multi-component education programme for First Episode Psychosis mental health services in The United States of America

Poster C113,

Helen Nicoll1, Caroline Crlenjak1, Vijay Kollipara1, Heather Stavely1, Craig Hodges1, Patrick McGorry1,2; 1Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, 2The University of Melbourne

Orygen, in partnership with a county health care network in the USA is supporting a First Episode Psychosis Program via a collaborative workforce development initiative. The outcome is to upskill the clinical workforce in the development of youth focused early psychosis interventions. The workforce initiative has a strong focus on a self-directed, andragogical learning opportunity including intensive input with over 100 hours of a variety of reading and interactive online materials, and 5 days of face to face early psychosis workshops. The workforce has the unique opportunity to share their clinical experiences, undertake homework activities and discussions on a specifically designed online forum. This work is supported by regular service development meetings for the leadership group. Workforce data was collected via a self-assessment questionnaire which was sent out pre commencement and will also include post completion of the program. The participants were not able to access the LMS until they had initially completed the questionnaire as a way to promote their engagement and assist with valuable data collection that can be utilised for improving workforce and program performance. We anticipate that this qualitative evaluation will be positive showing an improved workforce in their early psychosis knowledge, clinical skills and confidence. The discussion will highlight that self- directed and reflective multi-component education programs can be an innovative way of not only engaging with busy clinicians, but gives an added benefit that building international links improves outcomes for young people. Recommendations for future education and training approaches based will also discussed.

Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform

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