Interdepartmental and innovative project for the physical and mental health of young people with serious and complex psychiatric disorders . Sponsored by the ASL VCO- REGIONE PIEMONTE : Mental Health Department, Prevention Department, Diabetology, SerD, Child Neuropsychiatry, Health District.

Poster B142,

Ermelinda Zeppetelli1, Antonino Trimarchi2, Giovanni Geda3, Francesco Lembo4, Giuseppe Saglietti5, Paolo Ferrari6, Chiara Crosa Lenz7, Stefania Vozza8, Bartolomeo Ficili9, Romano Ferrari10, Melania Figliolino11, Giovanni Caruso12; 1Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Responsabile SOS Riabilitazione Psichiatrica DSM ASL VCO, 2Direttore Sanitario ASL VCO-Regione Piemonte, 3Direttore DSM Strutturale Interaziendale ASL Biella-VCO-Vercelli, 4Direttore Dipartimento di Prevenzione ASL VCO, 5Direttore SOC Diabetologia e Malattie Metaboliche ASL VCO, 7Direttore f.f. SOC SerD ASL VCO, 8Direttore f.f. SOC Neuropsichiatria infantile ASL VCO, 9Direttore Distretti Omegna e Verbania ASL VCO, 10Direttore Distretto Domodossola ASL VCO, 11Psicologa-Psicoterapeuta Cognitivo Comportamentale (volontaria presso SOS Riabilitazione Psichiatrica DSM), 12Direttore Generale ASL VCO Regione Piemonte

There has been much debate during recent years on the importance of addressing the issue of the physical health of young people affected by serious psychiatric disorders, especially in the early stages of the disease. Starting from the information provided by AIPP and contained in the Health international declaration, ASL VCO has created an interdepartmental working group made up of Mental Health Department, Prevention Department, Diabetology, SerD, NPI and Health Districts, that is working on improving the lifestyle of young patients affected by psychosis This working group has launched a multimodal and innovative project called “healthy and active lives”. The project is a rehabilitative and preventive effort, and for this reason it was included in the ASL VCO local prevention plan and between complex and innovative rehabilitation programs of Mental Health Department. The most important objective is the achievement of Heal target. The project seeks to promote healty and active lifestyles to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and early mortality. At the beginning and in the end of the project it's planned an evaluation of the physical indicators and the psycho-social functioning. Patients may benefit from groupal psycho-educational meetings and individual counseling; they can perform a free sport activity and participate in a cooking workshop to learn how to eat healthily. It is very important to stress the tight integration between institutional (ASL VCO Department, general practitioners) and extra-institutional resources (social cooperatives, company' sports basketball, sailing, associations of nature guides), and the importance of designing a plan shared amongst the partners

Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions

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