Suicide intervention in the community, Rogaland Norway

Poster A40,

Marie Bø1, Jan Olav Johannessen1, Marit Helgeland Marvik1, Robert Jørgensen1; 1Stavanger University hospital

In Norway there’s between 500-600 deaths by suicide each year. In Rogaland County (467,000 inhabitants) there was a total of 610 suicides in the period 2000-2013, an average of 47 each year. A significant proportion of those who die by suicide had no prior contact with psychiatric special service in the time before the suicide. In a prevention perspective, suicide and attempted suicide outside hospital is the largest and most important target group. The project involves extensive collaboration between local primary- and secondary services and specialist services. One important element is having information and prevention measures that can be implemented and treatment measures. This is achievable by having an increased competence in the population and in selected professions on available assistance and suicide prevention for suicide prone people. Aim: Reduce suicidal behavior by increasing the knowledge of available help. Change attitudes towards suicidality with an openness towards psychiatric illnesses and increasing knowledge about risk factors and change help seeking behavior. Method: Prospective primary prevention epidemiological intervention study. Investigate if Early Intervention strategies such as information activities and helpline, leads to a reduction in the number of patients referred to health authorities after suicide attempts and completed suicide. In June 2013 there was conducted a population survey prior to the projects started. Results: A low threshold multifocal prevention work approach towards suicidality has never been tried in Norway. The results will be presented in the final poster presentation. The project has an ambition on transferring the results and competence nationwide.

Topic Area: Epidemiology

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