Recovery Outcomes and Experiences following Early Psychosis: Integration of Findings

Poster B17,

W Joy Maddigan1, Kellie LeDrew1,2, Kevin Hogan2, Carole-Lynne LeNavenac3; 1Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2Eastern Health Regional Health Authority, 3University of Calgary

Understanding recovery following psychosis is essential to helping individuals and families recapture a fulfilling quality of life. This mixed methods study explored recovery outcomes (using quantitative methods) and recovery experiences (using qualitative methods) following a first episode of psychosis. Recovery outcomes, primarily recovery rate and timing, were measured in a cohort of 260 individuals admitted consecutively in a three-year early psychosis program. The recovery experiences of six individuals were qualitatively explored using descriptive phenomenology. The findings of both study components were previously presented separately (IPEA 2014) and this presentation will discuss the results of the integration of the quantitative and qualitative findings. As the quantitative component was the more dominant of the two study components, qualitative results were used to inform, expand and provide a level of validation for quantitative results. One of the most striking findings of the statistical analysis was impact of quality of life on the rate and timing of recovery. A framework consisting of the four concepts that comprise the Quality of Life Scale (Heinrichs & Carpenter, 1984) guided data integration and synthesis. Cohort strengths and challenges were identified by examination of subscale and individual item scores. The phenomenological constituents that made up the recovery structure were then integrated with the “qualitized” quality of life results. The integrated results provided a more holistic, textured view of recovery but also highlighted gaps in knowledge and intervention. Implications of the findings are discussed.

Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis

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