Integration of psychological intervention to trauma patients and their family in medical care

Poster C67,

Maria Grazia Manzone1, Luciana Mastronardi1, Stefano Aleotti1, Italo Pontini1, Giuseppe Massazza1; 1Presidio Ospedaliero CTO - AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza

Psychological intervention to traumatized patients and their family focuses on giving a therapeutic support during hospitalization in a multidisciplinary approach, promoting compliance, from Emergency to discharges and then to Psychotraumatology Outpatient Clinic, monitoring reactive symptoms after the traumatic event, to prevent the arise of important psychological disorders. To patients and their families are offered a psycholgical support to focus on expression and containment of reactive psychoemotional aspects, to normalize and cope with stress. During hospitalization risk factors are assesed. They are essential for a personalized psychological treatment to improve reactive symptoms, contain anxiety, for personal resources activation, for a better compliance using CBT(96%), coping strategies(96%), relaxation training(68%). An intervention was directed to 1835 hospitalized patients. One month after psychological intervention the following has been observed: a total remission of flashback, shock, dissociation, nightmares; decrease of stress disorder (↓75%), hyperarousal (↓68%), sleep disorder (↓62%), anxiety (↓62%), intrusive memories (↓56%), mood drops (↓67%); better psychoemotional and pain management and good relation with health workers. The results of a survey to 1054 relatives showed considerable improvements in the areas of: feelings/thoughts/emotions expression(85%); communications with family(72%), patients (92%) and health workers (65%); better stress resiliance (87%). Outpatient clinical results (295 patients), with use of CBT(100%) integrated with EMDR(60%) and Biofeedback(11%), showed: decrease/remission of the traumatic reactive symptoms, personal/social/work skills activation, compliance to the medical-surgical treatment, preventing the onset/establishment of important disorders. A concrete multidisciplinary approach with integration of psychological and medical intervention improved compliance in hospitalization, life quality and psychophysical well-being after the dismission.

Topic Area: Stress Responsivity

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