Childhood Adversity and Glucose Metabolism Homeostasis in First-Episode Psychosis

Poster A6,

Franz Veru1,2, Aldanie Rho2, Marita Pruessner1,2, Ridha Joober1,2, Srividya Iyer1,2, Ashok Malla1,2; 1McGill University, 2Douglas Mental Health University Institute

The high incidence of metabolic alterations found in psychotic spectrum disorders has been usually explained by the side effects of antipsychotic medications and unhealthy lifestyles resulting from the negative symptoms of psychosis. However, the presence of common risk factors associated with both psychotic and metabolic disorders might explain –at least in part– this relationship. Since childhood adversity predicts the development of both, patients with a first-episode of psychosis (FEP) exposed to adverse childhood events might have an increased vulnerability for the development of metabolic disease, even before the implementation of pharmacotherapy. The objective of the present study is to assess the predictive value of childhood adversity exposure on the levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in FEP patients, accounting for the influence of potential confounders: negative and depressive symptoms, medication exposure, age, and sex. Patients with a FEP (N=102) provided samples of HbA1c at admission, and information on the following childhood adversity factors: childhood trauma (physical abuse/neglect, emotional abuse/neglect, and sexual abuse), social and material deprivation, immigrant status, and self-ascribed minority status (racial victimization proxy). Univariable analyses indicated that being part of a minority (p=0.03) or a victim of physical abuse (p=0.08) predicted HbA1c levels. After controlling for other adversity variables in multivariable analyses (sex, age, negative and depressive symptoms, other types of childhood adversity) these effects remain unchanged. FEP patients belonging to a minority or with history of physical abuse have a higher risk for the development of metabolic disorders. Measures to prevent metabolic disease are needed in these subpopulations.

Topic Area: Comorbid Conditions

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