Co-creating services for first episode psychosis.

Poster C49,

Kristin Lie Romm1,2, Lars-Christian Berentzen1, Kristine Gjermundsen1, Carmen Simonsen1,2, Elizabeth Barrett1, Ingrid Melle1,2; 1NORMENT K.G. Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Oslo University Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo,, 2Division of mental health and addiction, Oslo University Hospital

Oslo University hospital in Norway has one of the largest psychiatric clinics in Northern Europe. The size makes it difficult to offer coherent services. As a result, there are variations within the clinic regarding how patients with symptoms of a first episode psychosis and their relatives are met, and it is difficult for patients and their carers to navigate in the system. There is a need for a more patient centred service. Service designers and health professionals worked together with users and their families by applying a mixed methods approach drawing from different fields as social anthropology and visual thinking. Qualitative research, co-creation and service design was used to inform and involve patients, providers and leadership in this work towards a more user centred access to health care. As a result of this process, the division has decided to implement the following improvements during autumn 2016 1) A dedicated phone number for concerned health professionals, patients and their carers who worries about serious mental illness, 2) Specialist in front to make the first assessment, 3) No referral note necessary, 4) A coordinated team of specialists from different fields of psychiatry will function as a support team when the initial assessments points towards complex comorbidity or difficult transitions between adolescent and adult psychiatry, 5) Establishing a channel for structured feedback from professional and users to facilitate further improvements. Service design as a method supports the making of more coherent and patient centered services by involving users throughout the process.

Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform

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