Early intervention and organization of the Services: the Department of Mental Health ex Roma E experience

Poster C12,

Gianluigi di Cesare1, Carmelo la Rosa1, Antonio Romano1, Marina di Maio1, Giuseppe Ducci1; 1Department of Mental Health, Rome E Health Trust. Adolescents Department Via Plinio 31, Rome, Italy

Current scientific knowledges all agree that almost all mental disorders, especially the severe ones, often occur insidiously and progressive at very young age. Most of the time even the so called “onsets” are not other that symptomatic striking manifestation of a already in place disorder. Add to this that in the transition phase from mental health services for children and adolescents to those for adults, there is a high dropout rate. The set of these phenomena has led to the choice to set up, in the ASL ROMA 1 (area ex Roma E) an Adolescents Department (UOC PIPSM) specifically dedicated to the Prevention and Early Intervention. The intervention is aimed at the age group between 14 and 25 years. This population, in the considered territory, amounts to about 58000 people. The intervention is articulated through different modalities that can take into account the different needs. An intervention of health promotion and interception of psychological distress is done through work in schools that, during the year 2015, involved 44 school complexes for a total of 903 classes and 21326 students. We describe the operating model of the Adolescents Department (UOC PIPSM) with data for the first six months of the year 2016, compared with the first half of the previous year when the age group of the population of competence was limited to the time interval from 14 to 18 years.

Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions

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