Smoke and Psychotic Onset: Comparison Between Daily Smokers and No Smokers in Psychopathological Expression. (Programma 2000, Milan)

Poster C75,

Simona Barbera1, Maddalena Fontanella1, Emiliano Monzani1, Anna Meneghelli1; 1Programma 2000 Ospedale Niguarda Milano

Purpose Literature data seem to confirm that daily smoking onset occurs up to five years before schizophrenia onset; and there’s a lot of questioning about smoking effects concerning not only physical health, but also the psychopathological context in FEP and UHR. Therefore, it would be important to improve our knowledge of daily smoker’s psychopathological profile, in order to implement effective strategies to motivate smoke abstinence and keep abstaining. Nicotine seem to modulate positive and negative symptoms in a complex way: chronic consumption would desensitize dopaminergic receptors and reduce positive symptoms, whereas acute effect would lead to reduction of negative symptoms and increase of positive ones. Moreover, nicotine seems to reduce anxious symptomatology related to schizophrenia. The mentioned factors are surely involved in the higher difficulty experienced by schizophrenic patients in abstaining from smoking (Lancet, 2013),and must be carefully taken care of by prevention and intervention programs focused on physical health, during disease initial phases. Materials and methods This study verifies the suggestions of literature, by comparing the scores of BPRS positive symptoms and STAI 2X of daily smokers with Fagenstrom scoring > 6 vs no-smokers, within a sample of 70 patients of Programma 2000 from June 2014 to April 2016 Conclusion When taken in charge by Programma 2000 daily smokers gain a lower score both in BPRS positive symptoms and in STAI 2X at the border of statistically significance; at dismissal the scores STAI 2X tende to match .

Topic Area: Substance Use

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