Clinical Outcomes comparing the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) Treatment as Usual (TAU) Versus Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy for Psychosis (TRIPP) with Melanie: A 3 year longitudinal approach

Poster C10,

Sylvia Collinetti1, Sarah Bendall1, Nerida Barclay1, Jacinta Macintyre1, Sarah Borg1; 1Orygen, The Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health

Introduction: Research indicates that there is a high percentage of individuals who have psychosis and also co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Currently there are no evidence-based treatment for PTSD in first episode psychosis (FEP). In this case study, we compare the application of treatment as usual (TAU) within the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) followed by adjunct Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy for Psychosis (TRIPP). Melanie, the young person in this case study, had Psychosis NOS, Major Depressive Disorder, as well as anxiety and dissociative symptoms. Melanie grew up in a dysfunctional family environment, resulting in emotional and verbal abuse. She also experienced bullying in school which led to school refusal. Method: Melanie was referred to EPPIC at the age of 15 and received treatment TAU for the first 2 years. She then received TRIPP for 10 months as part of a research pilot trial. Assessment measures including the CAPS for PTSD, were taken at 6 month into TAU treatment, at the end of TAU and at the end of TRIPP. Results: PTSD symptoms during TAU from childhood bullying were categorised at severe on the CAPS (60), after TAU were mild (31) and after TRIPP were asymptomatic (15). Discussion: Adjunctive TRIPP within the EPPIC model, can have beneficial long-term effects for some young people with co-occurring psychosis and PTSD. The therapy led to clinically significant improvements in symptomatology including psychosis and PTSD with gradual functional gains. A collaborative formulation allowed a shared understanding about how Melanie’s early traumatic experiences impacted on the emergence of co-occurring symptomatology. This paradigm shift allowed to move away from understanding her presentation from a psychopathology position, enabling to highlight the young person’s personal strengths and develop a narrative of resilience in the face of adversity.

Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions

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