CEVUP program: An analytical epidemiological cohort study.

Poster A39,

Pierre-françois Bazziconi1, Christophe Lemey2, Laure Bleton3, Loïc Jousni4, Michel Walter5; 1CHRU BREST, 2CHRU BREST, 3CHRU BREST, 4CHRU BREST, 5CHRU BREST

Over the past few years, several teams have built programs to detect patient at clinical high-risk state for psychosis and to develop interventions at an early stage of psychiatric troubles. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the functioning and the results obtained by the specialized program developed in Brest, France (CEVUP). We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of patients addressed to the CEVUP between June 2010 and April 2014. Datas were double collected by two different investigators and we tested the inter-raters reliability. We included 48 help-seeking patients, aged from 15 to 30 years old, addressed by psychiatrists and general practitioners. The initial evaluation included a clinical evaluation, CAARMS scale, Rorscharch test and neurocognitive tests. Subjects were classified in two groups: not at risk for developing psychosis (NA) or at risk for developing psychosis (AR). The main results at initial evaluation showed that 5 patients crossed the threshold for psychosis, 29 were AR and 14 were NA subjects. Among AR patients, 5 (17%) developed psychosis in two years against 1 (7%) for NA patients. These patients have psychiatric comorbidities, essentially depression or anxiety. Supplementary outcomes appear to be in favor of a good relationship between CAARMS and Rorscharch test at initial evaluation. The present study describes the procedures and the main results established by a specialized program for patient at high risk to develop psychosis. The characteristics of the sample remain consistent with descriptions of such populations worldwide.

Topic Area: Epidemiology

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