It's all about the Journey: focus groups to improve in- and outpatient early psychosis care.

Poster C27,

Hella Demunter1, Martine Lambrechts1, Jef Lisaerde1, Ludwina Van Bouwel1, Martien Wampers1, Gert Wouters1, Marc De Hert1,2, Jan De Lepeleire1,3; 1UPC KU Leuven, 2KU Leuven Department Neuroscience, 3KU Leuven Department General Practice

Background and objective: In the University Psychiatric Centre KU Leuven, patients with early psychosis are treated either in a residential setting with a focus on group therapy or in an individual-tailored community-based program. To assess the need for adjustments to the existing programs, we aimed to gain more insight in the opinions of patients and their relatives about three issues: the strengths and weaknesses of their treatment programs, the desirability of introducing treatment components of one program into the other, and the fulfillment of their social needs. Method: These topics were discussed in three focus groups with (1) inpatients, (2) outpatients and (3) relatives of in- and outpatients. Results: Outpatients were satisfied with the offered care. Some appeared to live rather solitary lives. They acknowledged the importance of social contact, but were reluctant to engage in. Others continue their active and social life after the psychotic episode. Nobody saw an added value in group therapy or group activities. Inpatients reported social contacts with fellow patients but contacts with non-patients proved more difficult. Inpatients expressed a need for more individual therapy and more leisure opportunities on the ward. Relatives wish for more information and involvement as well as contact with fellow parents. Conclusions: Outpatients in the early psychosis program are satisfied, inpatients want more individual therapy and relatives want more information and contact with peers. A multi-family group started and will be evaluated.

Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform

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