Beyond GEP project: what happens? Qualitative analysis of the outcome.

Poster A56,

Luisa Amato1, Anna Cavicchini1, Alessandra Esposito1, Roberto Massironi1; 1Early Intervention in Menthal Health Service- Progetto GEP, UOP Sesto San Giovanni ASST Nord Milano, IT

The GEP project (“Young and prevention”), Innovative Project funded by Regione Lombardia, delivers early intervention and early detection in severe mental illness and high risk state. Its headquarter is the UOP in S.S. Giovanni (Milan-Italy). In the present study we investigate the correlation between baseline characteristics of patients at first contact and their prognosis. The sample is made of 65 subjects (Male= 41 – Female= 24) who have been discharged or have interrupted their contact with the service between 2009 and 2015. Age at baseline was 16-30 years old (M=22,6). 83% of the data were retrieved from discharged patients, while 17% from drop outs. Amongst all subjects, 28 had a diagnosis of severe mental illness and 37 were deemed at high clinical risk. From the analysis on discharged sub-sample ( N=39), 65% did not require further intervention, 30% was followed up by a CMH Service (community mental heath, nostro CPS) for the monitoring of pharmacotherapy and 5% required an enhanced treatment package. Patients who did not necessitate of further intervention were primarily drug-naïve subject at high risk. Those followed up by community services were first episode psychosis in need of pharmacological treatment and multidisciplinary intervention. Drop outs were mainly first episodes treated with both pharmacotherapy and psycho-education interventions. In line with the existing literature ( Cocchi A., Meneghelli. A. 2012; NICE 2010; Sistema Nazionale per le Linee Guida 2007) we found that the wide majority of patients followed by an early detection and early intervention service, do not need further treatment.

Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis

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