Experiences of routine outcome monitoring in service users with early psychosis

Poster A131,

Miriam Fornells-Ambrojo1,2,3, Louise Johns1,4, Juliana Onwumere1,2, Philippa Garety1,2, Caig Milosh2, Catherine Iredale1, Emmanuelle Paters1,2, Suzanne Jolley1,2; 1King's College London, 2South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, 3University College London, 4Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Purpose: Psychological therapy services are increasingly required to instate Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM), to demonstrate the clinical and economic impact of interventions. While professionals’ views of ROM are an acknowledged barrier to implementation, service user perspectives have rarely been sought. We investigated service users’ experiences of implementing ROM in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies for people with Severe Mental Illness (IAPT-SMI) psychosis demonstration site. Method: A mixed quantitative and qualitative design was used. Service users from early intervention services and support and recovery services rated baseline (n=281/289), mid-therapy (n=114/121), end-of-therapy (n=124/154), and session-by-session (mid-therapy n=63/87; end-of-therapy n=90/123) ROM from 0 (‘extremely unhelpful’) through 5 (‘neither helpful nor unhelpful’) to 10 (‘extremely helpful’) and gave qualitative feedback. Results: Ratings indicated consistent proportions of service users finding ROM helpful (score 6-10; 64%-72%) or neutral (score 5; 19%-29%). Finding ROM less helpful was associated with poorer outcomes and younger age, but not with therapy drop out. Emerging qualitative themes included feeling understood by the assessor, valuing the opportunity to reflect, expressing feelings, and tracking progress in relation to the therapy goal. Conclusions: Routine outcome monitoring was acceptable to people with psychosis. Shorter test batteries would be preferable, particularly for younger respondents, and those with more distressing symptoms. Future studies should monitor distress after administration of ROM, and consider tailoring assessment schedules to specific populations.

Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions

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