Elements of Recovery in First Episode Psychosis: Developing Measurable Criteria

Poster A106,

Nina Schooler1, Kim Mueser2, Sue Estroff3, Christoph Correll4,5, Delbert Robinson4,5, Patricia Marcy5, Joanne Severe6, Susan Azrin6, Amy Goldstein6, Robert Heinssen6, John Kane1; 1SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 2Boston University, 3University of North CArolina, 4The Zucker Hillside Hospital, 5Northwell Health System, 6National Institute of Mental Helath

Purpose: Recovery is an evolving concept in modern mental health treatment that incorporates outcomes beyond improvement in symptoms and reduction in adverse consequences such as hospitalizations. Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode-Early Treatment Program (RAISE-ETP) focused on recovery. Therefore, the two-year clinical trial comparing a comprehensive treatment program to community-care for first episode psychosis (FEP) included measures to index recovery. Methods: The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration includes Health, Home, Purpose and Community domains in its recovery definition. RAISE-ETP researchers identified measures collected in the study to serve as indices of each domain. Measures were further categorized as objective or subjective and rating levels that correspond to attainment of recovery in each were defined. Based on the study design, each domain is assessed for six-month intervals over two years. Results: The following indicators are included. Health: objective; symptom remission, low level of depression and suicidal ideation and no hospitalizations, subjective; SF -12, self-acceptance, autonomy and environmental mastery. Home: objective; living alone or with others. Purpose: Objective; instrumental role performance as student or worker full or part time, independent financial management, subjective; self- report of role-performance adequacy and sense of purpose. Community: objective; family member available to complete assessments; subjective: self- reported absence of stigma, hope, social functioning, personal growth, positive relationships and purpose in life. Conclusions: Indicators for domains of recovery from objective and subjective measures can be identified for FEP. Incorporating these recovery measures into FEP research will advance understanding of FEP treatment and its outcomes.

Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis

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