Improving the transition from early intervention services to community care.

Poster C54,

Philip G. Tibbo1,3, Zenovia Ursuliak1,3, Sabina Abidi2, Margie Crown3, Candice Crocker1, Jean Hughes1; 1Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2IWK, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 3Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

There is an important need for effective transitions from specialized early intervention services (EIS) for psychosis to community care. Stakeholder research and supporting literature agree that transition models are necessary to continue and further the functional and symptomatic gains made in EIS. The program elements to aid in transitions should be informed by the clients as past research underscores their high levels of uncertainty and anxiety concerning their future. The purpose of this research project was to identify the needs of young adults transitioning from a Canadian EIS for psychosis to community-based mental health services, from the perspective of past and present clients. Two focus groups were completed: 1) individuals currently in the discharge planning process from EIS (7 participants (1F, 6M)) and 2) individuals already discharged from EIS (6 participants (3F, 3M); time since discharge range 6 months - 5 years). Qualitative analyses revealed themes around the EIS overall strengths and weaknesses, with EIS discharge planning strengths including preparation time, helping individuals to feel stable and feeling included in decision of where to be discharged. Weaknesses included the need for more individualized preparations for discharge, lack of peer support, lack of family preparation, wanting more opportunities to build independence and responsibility, disruptions in continuity of care, and wanting to maintain a connection with EIS thru being a peer mentor. These qualitative patient driven results give important insight into the discharge experience and will be discussed in the context of transition planning from specialized EIS to community care.

Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform

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