Language lateralization and attention impairment in young adults at ultra-high risk for psychosis: a dichotic listening study

Poster B26,

Ingvild Aase1,2, Kristiina Kompus3, Inge Joa1,2, Jan Olav Johannessen1,2, Jens Gisselgård1, Kolbjørn Brønnick1,2; 1Stavanger University hospital, 2University of Stavanger, 3University of Bergen

Impaired language function and attention problems are common in first episode psychosis, but have been less explored in people with ultra-high risk for psychosis. The present study is using the New Haven/Melbourne UHR criteria to define UHR and The Structural Interview for Prodromal Symptom (SIPS) as a symptom measure. The aim of the study is to investigate language lateralization and auditory attention using dichotic listening in a group of UHR patients as compared to normal controls, as well as the relation to SIPS-derived symptom dimensions. The UHR subjects (n=36, female=24; mean age=17.89, SD 5.31) were recruited from early detection teams and a group of healthy controls (n=37, female=18; mean age=16.86, SD 3.16) was included. Language lateralization and attention was assessed using a split-plot repeated measures analysis of covariance with group as a between-subjects factor and side and attention conditions as repeated measures factors, resulting in a 2x3x2 design. SIPS symptoms dimensions were subjected to partial correlations with a laterality index and measures of attentional gain in each ear. All analyses used age and gender as covariates. There was a statistically significant three-way interaction of group x forced condition x side (p=0.041). Follow-up analyses showed that the effect was due to an interaction between group x side in the forced-left condition (p=0.031), as the UHR subjects were unable to direct attention to their left ear. Positive symptoms on SIPS correlated significantly (r=0.347 p=0.048) with right ear gain. The results indicate impaired attentional cognitive control in UHR patients.

Topic Area: Neurocognition

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