Introducing a psychodynamic approach to early detect and treat severe mental illnesses in young individuals.

Poster A128,

Paolo Fiori Nastro1, Alice Masillo1, Martina Brandizzi1, Flaminia Narilli1, Giulia Listanti2, Riccardo Saba1, Nella Lo Cascio1, Elena Monducci1, Valentino Righetti1; 1Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, Rome, Italy, 2Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Functions (NESMOS) Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy

Prevention of psychosis faces two challenges: the accurate identification of the target population and their effective treatment. Psychological interventions are considered first line treatment in HR individual. Cognitive behaviour therapy demonstrated to reduce transition to about 50% but there are no improvements in negative symptoms and social functioning. The aim of the present study was to discuss a psychotherapeutic psychodynamic approach for young individuals at risk for severe mental illnesses. Help-seekers individuals aged 14-35 referred to psychotherapeutic Unit Villa Tiburtina, Sapienza University of Rome were recruited in the study. Subjects involved completed SIPS, COPER and COGDIS, EASE, GFSS, GFRS. Weekly sessions of psychodynamic psychotherapy were offered to eligible subjects. The hypothesis was that a psychodynamic approach may be useful both for the detection and treatment of young subjects at risk. Going beyond the evident symptoms and comprehending the latent components of thought may permit to deeper differentiate subtle initial prodromal symptoms from transient psychological ups and downs of human growing up. It might also approach the psychopathological core of the initial disease and treat it.

Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions

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